04 June 2010

An Introduction To My Project

I have spent much of my life, even as a child, knowing that we are not alone.  I've always known that there were unseen angels and always felt that God made sure I was watched over.  Perhaps this sensitivity came to me on account of being a sickly child but whatever the reason, I have never doubted the existence of an unseen world. Through several experiences, I learned that there was good and bad in the unseen world. 

In recent years, I began volunteering for a paranormal investigation group in
the hopes that I could help others who are facing similar experiences.

The points I will explore for my thesis are the following;
  • The spirit world is ruled by laws just as the physical world is ruled by laws.
  • I will explore the theory that the spirit world occupies the same space as ours, just on a separate "plane" or "dimension".
  • I will explore the "War in heaven" mentioned in scripture and how it seems to have spilled into our times.
  • I will explore the theories of the difference between what we call a ghost or spirit as well as demons and angels, all referred to as "supernatural" beings.

1 comment:

  1. Bring on the literature and we shall discuss! Nous commencons la lutte!
